Embedded systems and Microcontroller basics
What we will understand: 1] Embedded system definition 2] Features of Embedded system 3] Microprocessor vs Microcontroller 4] Types of CPU architecture 5] RISC and CISC Architecture for CPU 6] Compiler 7] Debugger, Simulator, and Emulator 8] Address bus, Data bus, and Control Bus 9] 8 bit, 16 bit, 32-bit Controllers 10] What other components do a basic embedded system require? Before starting this topic, I would like the reader to know that he should have basic knowledge of Electronics and Computers. Like what is basically a microcontroller or a microprocessor and some terms like the OS, how does an ALU or microcontroller or processor processes? Just a brief understanding of such topics should be great. 1] Embedded system: An embedded system is a combination of mechanical, electrical, and electronic hardware and software designed for a specific function. It is a system that is placed in another system. A simple system ...