
Showing posts from June, 2021

Basic Linux operation

* Booting Sequence: (For any OS) Always manufacturer provides computer with just BIOS on it (BIOS- Basic input output system). OS is installed on the computer. Booting is a process or set of operation that loads and hence starts the OD, starting it from the time when the user switches on the CPU button. Let us see the Booting sequence. * Hardware doesn't know where the OS lies, so BIOS locates it through Bootloader. * Function of BIOS is to power on the computer, start the hardware devices, then Bootloader. Bootloader or Bootstrap loader locates the Kernel, loads it into main memory and starts its execution. * Kernel: OS kernel is part of OS that responds to system calls, interrupts and exceptions. OS as whole includes the Kernel and may include other related programs that provide services for applications. * Kernel is a program. It has code and data like any other program. It is isolated from the processes. Just this small information is enough for now as Kernel is itself a big th...